Tag Archives: Tarot eCards App

Review – Tarot eCards App

Tarot eCards App

Version: 1.0.2
Size: 246 MB
Language: English
WizardToo, LLC
© 2013 WizardToo, LLC

Compatibility: Requires iOS 4.3 or later. Compatible with iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch. This app is optimized for iPhone 5.

Tarot eCards cover

The Tarot eCards app is an easy to use Tarot app that can be used with any of the decks that they carry in their store. Current decks include RWS2.0, New Star Tarot, Hezikos Tarot, Tarot of Ceremonial Magick, the Whispering Tarot, Tarot of the Masters, the Stone Tarot, Navigators of the Mystic Sea, and the CBD Tarot de Marseille. (Note: The RWS2.0 is included with the purchase of the app.) The thought with this app is to be able to build a digital library of popular Tarot decks.

The user has the option to choose from 30 spreads created by Tarot professionals, the option to use any combination of Major, Minor, or Reversed cads, the use of a significator, the ability to write and save notes, and to save and share readings, a five card Quick Read, as well as a Single Card option, as well as the ability to change backgrounds.

The opening screen shows a bookcase, with a link in the upper left hand corner to the deck store, and a link to Instructions in the upper right hand corner. Clicking on the link to the deck store shows the decks available placed in a bookshelf. Clicking on each deck brings up a screen that shows an enlargement of the deck box, and a short paragraph on the deck. In the bottom left hand corner is a link to purchase the deck, in the lower right hand corner is a link to in-depth info on the deck.

Clicking on Instructions bring the user to a screen that explains how to use the Tarot eCards app. There is an overview, the steps the user takes to select a deck, how to use the Quick Read and Single Card reading feature, selecting a spread, customizing the reading, choosing a significator, choosing and sharing readings, studying the decks, and building your own library. Information is also given on how to contact Tarot eCards (through Facebook and their Internet site, where to sign up for their newsletter, and an FAQ that addresses the need to use the Basic Tarot eCard app that is appropriate for each device (iPhone, ),

Clicking on Library brings up the decks that come free with app. Clicking on a deck brings up a screen with the deck box and a short paragraph about the deck. Across the bottom of the screen are links for Reading, Quick Read, Single Card, and Study Deck In the upper right hand side of the screen is a link for Deck Detail.

Clicking on Reading brings up a screen with the following options: Decisions, Life Path, Insights, Relationship, and Common. There is a link in the upper left hand corner of the screen that takes the user back to the Library. Clicking on one of the options brings up a screen with the template for the reading laid out. In the upper left hand corner of the screen is a link back to the Library. Across the bottom of the screen are the following links: Last, Next, Use, and Detail.

Clicking on Last takes the user to a previous spread within that template. Clicking on Next takes the user to the next spread within that template. Clicking on Use brings up a screen with the following options: Major Arcana, Minor Arcana, Reverse, and Significator. At the bottom of the options is a link entitled Do Reading. Clicking on Do Reading brings up a screen where the cards are shuffled and laid out, face up (with appropriate sound effects). In the upper right hand corner of the screen is a link to Options. In the upper left hand corner of the screen is a link to Library. In the lower left hand side of the screen is a link to Share.

Clicking on Share brings the user to a screen that allows the user to e-mail the reading to one or more people. The card template is given, along with each of the cars I the reading, and a short take on the card. A keyboard come up to add comments. A screenshot of the reading appears at the end of the reading. Quite nicely presented!

Clicking on Options gives the user the following options: Vibrate On/off, Sound On/Off, Next Backdrop, and Close.

Clicking on each card in the reading brings up a screen that shows the card, along with a brief description. In the bottom right hand corner of the screen is a link to Detail. Clicking on Detail rings up a screen that expands on the energy of the card, and how it can be interpreted.

Clicking on Quick Read brings up a screen with five cards, dealt face up. There is a link in the upper right hand corner to Options, a link in the upper left hand corner to Library, and a link in the lower left hand corner to Share. Clicking on a card brings up the image of the card, along with a short description.

Clicking on Single Card brings the user to a screen that shows the image of a single card, along with a short description of the card. In the upper right hand corner is a link to Options, in the upper left hand corner is a link to Library, in the lower left hand corner is a link to Share, and in the lower right hand corner is a link to Detail.

Clicking on Study brings the user to a screen that shows all 22 cards – The Fool and the Magician on the top row, with two rows of ten cards following. There are links across the bottom of the screen entitled: Major, Cups, Pentacles, Swords, and Wands. In the Upper left hand corner is a link to Library.

Clicking on one of the Minor Arcana suits brings up a screen that shows the first two cards on the top row, the following ten cards on the second row, and the last two cards on the third row. I would have liked to have seen one row of ten cards (the pips), followed by a second row of four cards (the Court Cards).

I found this application easy to use … and a lot of fun! I would have liked to have seen larger images used, and a journal included. The only way to save a reading is to e-mail it to yourself, which works, but a journal function with the ability to reference previous readings would be ideal!

© 2000 – 2013 Bonnie Cehovet

Reproduction inany venue prohibited without the written permission of the author.

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Posted by on September 15, 2013 in Uncategorized


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