Monthly Archives: September 2015

Holy Light Tarot Classes!

Tarot of the Holy Light

Christine Payne-Towler has given me permission to share this with you in its entirety. An incredible three month class cover the different layers of her deck, Tarot of the Holy Light. I hope to see each of you there!

“Here’s the news about our upcoming 3-month webinar over October, November and December. Everything we are going to talk about is in my recent book, so participants will need to acquire their own copy. The Kindle version is inexpensive, complete (except for bibliography), and in full color. The black and white softback can be bought at, or else from me at (which helps me out if you are in the US or Canada).

The focus of our time together will answer the question, ”What are the layers of meaning in the Tarot of the Holy Light?” We’ll be looking at the Icon, the illustrations and the appendixes, which detail the system of signs/planets/elements inhabiting the cards. In the course of teaching to the deck, I’m simultaneously teaching to the traditions present in the early 1600’s. Therefore this class represents a way of encountering the older magical worldview that maps over to the Tarot outline. I intend to demonstrate the practical applications for all the features that a Renaissance magus would project onto the cards. Topics will include using the deck as a magical calendar, using the Horoscope Spread as a diagnostic tool, deriving personal remedies from the Doctrine of Essential Dignities, approaching the Shem Angels, and more.

The 8th of October makes a great day to start, because if we can meet every other Thursday we’ll manage to escape the holidays. I am proposing that we meet at 4:00 Pacific Time, which will mean the class crosses the dinner hour for some people. The software we are using allows for up to 25 people in the chatroom at a time, but I’m not going to expect every person to attend every class. Each episode will be recorded and therefore people can encounter the material in their own favorite time and situation. I’d like to give it an hour and a half each sitting, if participants don’t consider that overkill.

My charge for this class will be $50 per month per person, though couples can pay $75 per month if that will make it easier for both to attend. That makes $150 total over the 4th quarter of the year. Feel free to get in touch if you want to participate. My e-mail is, or you can find me on Facebook. Please tell your friends, since this letter and announcements in the ArkLetter and at FaceBook are my only forms of advertising. I will be happy to include people right up to the day we start, and possibly after as well. (Frankly, I hope this group continues into next year! But we shall see how it goes….)

Thank you for your interest, please let me know if you need more information before you make up your mind. I might be out of town this week with a family issue in Portland, but after than I’m home until class starts.

Blessings, I look forward to being with you soon!”

Tarot Arkletters

(c) September 2015 Bonnie Cehovet

Reproduction prohibited without permission of the author.

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Posted by on September 25, 2015 in Tarot


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