Monthly Archives: August 2012

Conversations Overheard – World/Empress

I have been trying to think of ways in which I could make the Birth Card pairs come to life. I thought that it might be fun to have a Birth Card pair chatting over coffee or drinks. I was going to work with the gentlest Birth Card pair that I could find, just so the conversation would be, shall we say, a “nice, quiet one” Best laid plans, and all of that. The first two individuals that choose to speak were the ones that were the hardest for me to write about – The Devil and The Lovers. They choose to speak over drinks … fair warning! Today’s Birth Card pair are the World and the Empress. The World is represented by a mysterious man of indeterminate age named Henri, while the Empress is represented by a woman in her early fifties, with shoulder length, blond hair and a sense of peace about her. Her name is Joelle.

The scene is the vacation home of the Empress, which faces the Pacific ocean. It is mid-summer, and unseasonably hot. They are seated in the screened in back porch, which faces the ocean. There is a light breeze, and the water glistens in the sunlight. The couple are seated at a wicker table, with glasses of iced tea and a plate of small sandwiches between them.

Henri took a sip of his tea, gazing over the water. “Joelle, it is always so peaceful here. Even in the summer, with crowds of people on the beach. Sometimes I envy you.”

Joelle smiled. “Henri, you of all people should realize that there is nothing to envy with me. I enjoy the beach, yes, and I spend as much time as I can here, but I do have my work cut out for me. It is my choice to do so in a peaceful manner, but it is still work, and it still needs to be done.”

“I know that. I reap the benefits of those that have gone before me, and of their work. It is for you to carry the archetype of the mother, and to reach deep into your creative center to nurture the fires of stability, abundance and prosperity, fertility, love and emotional security, and all that is centered around home and family. I have watched you all these years, and marveled at how with each change humankind has gone through, you have been able to adapt your teachings. You are to be commended, Joelle.”

“Henri, we all have our time and place on the wheel of life. Yours is a special place, because you are the one that brings it all together. You benefit from those that have gone before you, yes, but you are charged with tying up all of the loose ends, with making sure that the lessons that humankind has learned are put to good use. It is your concern to make sure that each individual knows themself at a very deep level, that they bring each cycle in their life to a completion – releasing that which no longer serves them well, and celebrating that which does. You help them to acknowledge their successes, and to take actions that are consistent with, and in alignment with, their beliefs. You help them to move forward.”

“We have done this for so long now, Joelle, that it has become second nature. I am comfortable with it, as are you. Our stories are written … it is almost time for us to move on.”

“I agree Henri … it is almost time for us to move on. Almost … but not quite.”

Images from “The Tarot Lovers Tarot”, by Karyn Easton (

© August 2012 Bonnie Cehovet


Posted by on August 20, 2012 in Birth Card Pairs


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Conversations Overheard – Moon/Hermit

I have been trying to think of ways in which I could make the Birth Card pairs come to life. I thought that it might be fun to have a Birth Card pair chatting over coffee or drinks. I was going to work with the gentlest Birth Card pair that I could find, just so the conversation would be, shall we say, a “nice, quiet one” Best laid plans, and all of that. The first two individuals that choose to speak were the ones that were the hardest for me to write about – The Devil and The Lovers. They choose to speak over drinks … fair warning! Today’s Birth Card pair are the Moon and the Hermit. The Moon is represented by the Lady of the Lake, Morgan Le Fay. The Hermit is represented by Albus Dumbledore. Both of these individuals are mythical … I am taking a bit of license here in asking them to represent certain archetypal energies. I hope I am forgiven, and that you enjoy the conversation!

Scene: The mythological isle of Avalon. Two figures are walking along the water, mist surrounding them. The male figure is older, with shoulder length white hair, and a flowing white beard. He is wearing a dark gray cape that seems to shimmer. The female figure is dark haired, and of indeterminate age. She is wearing a white dress, covered by a deep purple, hooded cape.

“Albus, thank you for coming. There is so much chatter going on that I thought it best for us to meet in person.”

“Morgan, it is my pleasure to visit Avalon. It is one of our better visions, and has served us well. I am sure that it will continue to do so. I have heard the chatter too. There will always be some version of the Dark Lord around. We always knew that this would have to be, so that mankind was able to come to its own conclusions, and drive itself forward. The Dark Lord forces everyone to examine their innermost selves, their belief systems, and their alignments. They see first hand what it means to act against their beliefs. It may seem harsh, but the learning is quicker. And we are always there to make sure that the chaos is “controlled”.”

Morgan laughed. “Controlled chaos … Only you could have come up with that term! I have been having visions lately that I would like to share with you. Both you and I came into this world with certain information, and the means to gain more information as needed. The visions that are coming to me were, I believe, implanted well before this lifetime. And they relate to the 2012 transition.”

Albus kept his face blank, but his eyes showed intense concentration. He was very good at masking the fact that what Morgan had just told him had startled him to his depths. Was it all coming this soon?

Morgan continued. “In my visions, I am seeing myself in a cave. It is well lit, with sconces on the walls holding burning candles. At one end of the cave is a deep pool of water. I am instructed to kneel down and gaze into the water. I see images that I know to be from my pasts. They carry no emotion … they are simply there. Mentors and teachers from various times in my lives come to me. They are all telling me to ready myself, that the time we all knew would come is here. I have a deep sense of foreboding about all of this. I understand the change … I helped create much of it.” Having said this, Morgan went quiet, waiting for Albus’ response.

Albus went deeply within himself. Was this the time? He had agreed to the task, but was this the time? In time, he spoke.

“Morgan, we have had many lifetimes together. You do understand the change. Your “remembering” is almost complete. The fact that you feel foreboding tells me that you have a wall up, that the final step is not clear. A part of you that many do not understand is that you are a healer. They know that you wield magical powers, and that often all is not as it seems in your world. For all that honor your wisdom, there are an equal number that fear you. This is the time for you to make your healing side known.”

Morgan felt the energy around her changing. It was lighter, more electric. She looked at Albus, and saw flashes of each of her mentors/teachers. A sense of peace came to her.

“What more is there, Albus? We have really not talked beyond the 2012 transition.”

“There is a reason for that. For many, the transition will be out of the physical plane. They are not ready to align themselves with the higher vibrations that will be required to move forward. They will be moving on to their teaching planes, to review the lessons that they could not, or would not, learn here. They have to move past these lessons to go on with their journey’s. You are a healer … in that capacity, you will be transiting with them. You can give them the visions that they need to know who they are, accept who they are, and function within those parameters. This will be a massive undertaking, and may require several lifetimes of effort. You made this choice long ago. Now is the time.” Albus looked at Morgana with wisdom and caring in his eyes. He knew that she would be able to do this.

“I understand, Albus. And So It Is.”

With that, Albus disappeared into the mist. Morgan continued on, saying her goodbyes to this world that she had walked in for so long. One part of her journey was ending, another about to begin.

And So It Is.

Images are from Karyn Easton’s “Tarot Lovers Tarot” – .

© August 2012 Bonnie Cehovet

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Posted by on August 15, 2012 in Birth Card Pairs


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Conversations Overheard – Star/Strength

Conversation Overheard –

I have been trying to think of ways in which I could make the Birth Card pairs come to life. I thought that it might be fun to have a Birth Card pair chatting over coffee or drinks. I was going to work with the gentlest Birth Card pair that I could find, just so the conversation would be, shall we say, a “nice, quiet one” Best laid plans, and all of that. The first two individuals that choose to speak were the ones that were the hardest for me to write about – The Devil and The Lovers. They choose to speak over drinks … fair warning! Today’s Birth Card pair are the Star and Strength. The Star is represented by Adrienne Mc Call, CEO of Mc Call LLC, a CT based company that creates books, videos, and seminars that deal with finding hope and living a positive life. Strength is represented by Anita Cho, CEO of Cho Enterprises, a company that creates workbooks, videos, and seminars on making and implementing decisions based on heart centered living.

Scene: The annual conference of female entrepreneurs, held at the Mandalay Resort and Casino in Las Vegas, Nevada. The first day of the conference has just finished, and two of the presenters are seated in the lounge area, drinks in hand. The first presenter is Adrienne McCall, CEO of McCall LLC. The second woman is Anita Cho, CEO of Cho Enterprises. The two women have known each other “forever” … quite literally, forever!

“So, Anita, what do you think of this year’s conference? Are we getting anywhere?” Having said that, Adrienne picked up her vodka tonic and took a sip.

“Adrienne, we may be getting “somewhere”, but I am not all that sure that it is the direction that we want them to go in. The questions they asked us were really nothing new. Do you think they are ready to move forward?” Anita then picked up her own drink, and took a sip.

“I was watching the audience closely. As is often the case, the ones that spoke up were the ones that are either trying to figure out where they are, or are becoming too comfortable with the current paradigm. The ones who can connect current changes to a future paradigm were sitting back and watching. I think that we are fine.”

“You always were the one to shine hope where hope was either limited or non-existent. I will take you at your word. We need to discuss how we will present our agenda during our own presentations tomorrow.”

At that point the waitress appeared, and they ordered another round of drinks, along with a sample plate of hors d’oeuvres. Neither woman was hungry enough to want to eat dinner.

Adrienne laughed. “Okay, we now have hope, and need to encourage some focus and will power to get them to the next stage. I will begin with a discussion of the economy, where it is headed, and the influences that female entrepreneurs are making. I will list, point by point, how to use hope to become a leader under the new paradigm. Then, during the lunch recess, we can send them some images through thought transfer that will ignite their passion and will. Then you are up!”

“Right … then I am up! This very focused, very forceful little Asian lady trying to encourage them in their decision making! Then I ease them into implementing those decisions. We only have a few months to get this done, but we have done it before, and never failed.”

“And we won’t fail this time! I have always been amused that in this lifetime we could both take high profile positions, and run high profile companies that blatantly advertise what we are all about. No more behind the scenes stuff!”

After they finished their drinks, both women headed up to their rooms. The next day they would be making history, although no one but them would be aware of it. This is the way that it had always been. Hope, will power, and determination were the driving forces behind change. A huge vibrational shift was underway, and it was up to them to get the leaders ready.

Images are from the “Tarot Lovers Tarot”, by Karyn Easton ( .

© August 2012 Bonnie Cehovet

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Posted by on August 10, 2012 in Birth Card Pairs


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Conversations Overheard – Tower/Chariot

Conversation Overheard –

I have been trying to think of ways in which I could make the Birth Card pairs come to life. I thought that it might be fun to have a Birth Card pair chatting over coffee or drinks. I was going to work with the gentlest Birth Card pair that I could find, just so the conversation would be, shall we say, a “nice, quiet one” Best laid plans, and all of that. The first two individuals that choose to speak were the ones that were the hardest for me to write about – The Devil and The Lovers. They choose to speak over drinks … fair warning! Today’s Birth Card pair are the Tower and the Chariot. The Tower is represented by Henri Duschene, a very reclusive gentleman living in Avignon, France. No one is quite sure of his past, except that his interests include rare books. People that come to see him do so in a very clandestine manner, and interact only with Duschene himself. The Chariot is represented by Giles Davies, Group Chairman of Barclay’s in London.

Scene: It is 9 am on a Saturday in August, 2012. A prearranged Skype meeting is being held, with two participants: Henri Duschene and Giles Davis. As always with such conversations, both audio and video are being used. Both men are wearing dark colored business suits. Henri is wearing a white business shirt with a dark, finely striped tie. Giles is wearing a cream colored shirt, with a solid, maroon colored tie. Both men have coffee cups and a crystal glass of water at hand.

“Good morning, Henri. It appears that what we agreed upon is working out well. The decision to use the weather as a catalyst to move humanity forward is showing results much faster than when we have used it in the past.”

“Good morning, Giles. Some countries may have been taken off guard, but as individuals people are picking up the lesson quickly. This past week I spoke with representatives from Scandinavia, Japan, and the Baltic countries. Everything is going as planned. People seem to accept “natural disasters” as a learning tool over having to face their own errors.”

“This has always been so. When humankind moved away from their close connection with mother earth, they lost the ability to connect with the source of their lives. It was necessary for their learning, but we did not expect it to take this long for them to move back in that direction. It took events like the Exxon Valdez disaster in Alaska, the Gulf of Mexico debacle, and the recent earthquake and tsunami in Japan. Your piece de resistance was the ancillary damage to Japan’s nuclear reactors. It is sad that it takes something like this to bring the people of the world together, but together they came.” Giles took a sip of coffee, then gazed into his cup pensively.

“Even I did not want to see the domino effect of the damage in Japan, but I looked into the veil, and it was what I had to do. We had thought that letting loose the financial crisis was going to be enough, but it wasn’t. New ways of understanding and doing evolved, but then they stalled. Another nudge was needed.” Henri watched Giles, as he sipped from his own coffee.

He then continued:

“I have always felt that dramatic upheaval was the best tool that we have for instituting change on a deep level. We need to change how people view things, how they place them in their life, how they see themselves in relation to the world around them. The Book has been written, but the story may be altered, to a small extent, by the actions of each individual.”

“And the transition they are going through now – we both know that many will not make it.’

“Giles, we agreed that to keep true to the Book, we were going to have to eliminate those who were not willing to live their best in the present. Those who choose to live in the past, or in the future, will be exiting the physical world. They will continue their journey elsewhere. Those who are willing to move on to the next phase, to live in the present, and develop their talents, will be allowed to do so. Even amongst them there will be born leaders, as well as those who need to be shown the way. “ Henri picked up his crystal glass, and took a sip of water. His energy was fading, and he knew that he needed to be present at this time for Giles.

Giles caught the brief shimmering in the Skype screen. Henri was tiring … the past century had been a difficult one for him, as he learned to fine tune his own powers.

“Henri, between the two of us we have had many successes. I am sure that the transition this fall will be equally successful. Those who need to exit this plane will have done so, and the remainder will be willing to regroup and rebuild their worlds from the inner core. There is more change to come, as we both know, but it will take place on a subtle level, and won’t take long to assimilate.”

“Giles, you are so right. We are finally down to the subtle as a starting point, as opposed to an end point. The veil has shown us the truth. It is time for me to go – I have another meeting that I must prepare for. Adieu, my friend.”

“Adieu, Henri.”

With that, both Skype screens closed out/

© August 2012 Bonnie Cehovet


Posted by on August 4, 2012 in Birth Card Pairs


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