Review – An Introduction to Transformative Tarot Counseling

05 Jul

An Introduction to
Transformative Tarot Counseling
The High Art of Reading

Author: Katrina Wynne, M.A.
Cover Art: Qahira Lynn
Sacred Rose Publishing
ISBN #978-1-937493-09-7

“For all those who love Tarot
and desire to live
its wisdom.”
Katrina Wynne, M.A.

“Transformative Tarot Counseling” – that says it all! Tarot truly done is a form of counseling, even if the intent behind the reading is divination. It is indeed the “High Art of Reading”! Wynne defines “Transformative” and “Counseling” as follows:

“Transformative – allowing change to emerge. It is the process by which magic can occur. Magic is the fine art of changing from one form to another, moving from the known through the unknown, bringing the unconscious to light.”

“Counseling” – the practice of interacting with others in an affirming and supportive way. The skills utilized in this style of working with Tarot reading respects the client’s wisdom, and boundaries, allowing a deeper experience of the cards.”

This 81 page book makes a dynamic statement for Tarot as a tool of empowerment. It honors both the reader and the client, and allows them to both see the cards through the eyes of the client. The issues involved are the client’s, the understanding is the client’s, and the actions to be taken are up to the client. The reader is there to assist in the process.

Insight and integration are the goals of Transformative Tarot Counseling (TTC). Wynne writes: “The goal of a Transformative Tarot Counselor ™ is to provide a safe and professional environment to afford the client the opportunity to go as deeply into their process as they choose to proceed, within the “scope of practice” of the reader.

In her chapter on “Tarot Magic and Change”, Wynne defines a reader’s “scope of practice” as knowing when to refer a client to an appropriate and effective healing or helping professional. She also recommends that it is in their best interest for readers learn more about counseling skills and ethics, so that they are better able to understand the delicate role that a reader occupies when serving the public, and so that they understand their limitations.

Personal note – I wholeheartedly agree! Every reader needs to develop a list of professionals that can be used as recommendations for their clients as appropriate (issues of elder care, substance abuse, rape, depression etc.

The Tarot is at heart a transformational journey – the Fool’s Journey, a journey of individuation. It transforms through the use of symbols and imagery. Wynne calls this the “Sacred Journey of the Soul”. She then goes on to discuss Israel Regardie’s connection between magic, psychology, and individual transformation. He defined the basic stages of magic as (1) Divination, (2) Evocation and Vision, (3) Invocation, and (4) Initiation. At the end of this chapter there is a thought provoking section on how these four stages of magic appear in a reading.

The “dialectical method”, developed by the 19th century philosopher Hegel, is then discussed. Here we see the concepts of Thesis, Antithesis, and Synthesis. In reference to a Tarot reading, this describes the dynamic tension brought out during a reading between the client’s issue(s), what the reading presents, and new concepts/ways of looking at the issue(s) that are developed from the reading. Wynne makes a very important point when she notes that each card has the potential of evoking a response from the client.

Throughout this book Wynne gives working examples of how the concepts she is discussing actually work in a reading. This is of great benefit to experienced readers, as well as those who are relatively new to reading the Tarot.

The chapter on Jung and Alchemy talks about the process of individuation as defined by Jung, as well as the archetype of the Shadow (the hidden parts of our personality that we are afraid to look at, our fears). The Shadow is often viewed as repressed or suppressed energy that can show up in a reading. In looking at the two types of readings she discussed earlier in the book, Wynne notes in this chapter that the insight-oriented reading style (basically an interpretive style of reading) stops at the Albedo stage of the alchemical process. The TTC method offers an experience of the cards message, and supports the transformative potential of the client (and the reader).

One of the most important chapters in this book, if not the most important chapter, is on counseling skills. It is one thing to understand the Tarot (or any modality that functions as a tool of empowerment), it is a totally other thing to be able to work with a client in making best use of that modality, and doing so in an ethical manner. In this chapter, Wynne discusses counseling versus predictive reading styles, following or leading the client in a reading, engaging the client in their own reading, employing the skills of patience, the ability to listen well, the reader being aware of their own psychic impressions, transference, compassion, and more.

In her chapter on ethics and responsibilities, Wynne addresses the responsibility to honor the needs and boundaries of the clients. She also emphasizes the need for each individual reader to develop their own ethical guidelines. I loved that this chapter was broken down into for areas: (1) ethical guidelines, (2) power dynamics, (3) boundaries, and (4) legal issues. Examples are included throughout this chapter that help make it easier to understand this material.

Sample readings are presented so that anyone working with this book (yes, one works with this book, one does not just read it!) can put the information presented to actual use. All levels of readers will benefit from these sample readings. Wynne has also included a short write-up about how to follow the TTC reading process, which I find very beneficial.

At the end of the book is a bibliography including books and online resources. This small book is the beginning of a much larger process … I encourage anyone that wants to bring more depth to their readings (including readings for themselves) to include this book in their library!

© July 2012 Bonnie Cehovet


Posted by on July 5, 2012 in Uncategorized


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6 responses to “Review – An Introduction to Transformative Tarot Counseling

  1. Transformative Tarot Counseling™

    July 5, 2012 at 7:28 pm

    Deep gratitude to Bonnie Cehovet for writing such a thoughtful and heartfelt review of my book.

    In Light & Love – Katrina

    • Bonnie Cehovet

      July 5, 2012 at 9:30 pm

      Katrina –

      Thank you for letting me know that I “got it”! 🙂


  2. moderndayruth

    July 7, 2012 at 3:04 am

    Great review, Bonnie, thank you! I agree with the premise that Tarot is a form of counseling, i’ll keep an eye on the book when it’s available in these parts!


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