Daily Archives: March 14, 2015

Northwest Tarot Symposium – Part 2

Northwest Tarot Symposium – Part Two

In Part 1 I gave you an overview of just how well thought out, and well presented this weekend was. (Many thanks to the DeForest’s and their helpers!) In Part Two I am going to share who the presenters were, and link to their work. I adored the format of this venue – fifty minute presentations, which allowed attendees to experience more presentations, and get a nice sampling of what is being offered in the Tarot world at this time.

There was a schedule of presenters and rooms in the (full color!) programme, which made life very easy! It was also noted which interest level ach presentation was aimed at: Novice, Adept, or Master. And yes, anyone could attend any of the presentations. This just made it easier to choose presentations that would interest you, and fit your comfort level.

Just as an aside – the hotel provided water and coffee, which was much appreciated. Sitting in an air conditioned venue for several hours can be a bit dehydrating.

Note: I was not able to attend all of the presentations. If I have gotten something wrong here, please let me know, and I will correct it.

Jadzia DeForest talked about “Tarot Suits & Numerology”. Jadzia refers to the four suits and the number cycle within the Tarot as building blocks. By learning the keys of the suits, elements, and numerology. An excellent base is developed for further Tarot studies.

Jay DeForest talked about “Beyond the Cards: How Does Divination Work?” Jay has a marvelous sense of humor, and it was a delight to hear him talk about what goes on during a reading, about where the information comes from, and how symbols work with our subconscious to help provide information, and expand our range of observation and awareness.

Jaymi Innowen Elford talked about “Inspiring The Muse”. The focus here was on helping writers use the Tarot to brainstorm stories, characters, and settings using the pictures, symbolism, and structure of the Tarot.

Toni Gilbert talked about “Archetypal Dreamwork and Tarot Cards”. I have admired Toni’s work for a long time now, and felt badly when I was unable to attend her presentation. Toni defined what archetypes are, discussed archetypal imagery (such as Chaos and Black Hole), Fusion, and the ubiquitous Big Bang theory. Shen then showed how these translate into the Tarot.Also discussed were Freud’s levels of consciousness, and how if we contemplate and understand our dreams,  we will find guidance for healing in our waking life.

Miriam Jacobs talked about “Tarot and the Chakras”. Her presentation connected the chakra system with the Minor Arcana of the Tarot. The two systems used together guide us to choose meditations that address the challenges presented by the cards.

Mellissae Lucia talked about “Crowd Funding Your Deck”. Mellissae offers an insider’s perspective on navigating a crowd funding campaign, including both the practical and spiritual aspects.

Marcia McCord talked about “First Steps With Lenormand”. This is another presentation that I was unable to attend, so I cannot tell you much about it. I will say that Marcia is a lovely and talented lady, with a great sense of humor. Attendees no doubt left with a whole new perspective of the Lenormand!

Heather Mendel talked about Intuition and the Sacred Feminine. Our lives are a mystery as we walk through the dark and the light. In her work, Heather blends the Tarot and the Kabbalah in search of the Sacred Feminine. Heather shared insight from her own life, relating it to her journey, and the journey that we all face in connecting with the Sacred Feminine. I could have listened to Heather all day long!

Teresa Michelsen talked about “Bringing the Tarot to Life”. Teresa addressed her topic by showing attendees how to step into a Tarot card and live it for a day, or a week, or however long they want to. In entering a card, we move away from thought and emotion, and into the realm of acting, speaking, and doing. Her stated goal with this method is to directly put into practice approaches to living and interacting with others, that achieve our best results.

Barbara Moore talked about “What Is My Soul’s Purpose?”, using the 3X7 format as a baseline. Her presentation included scans from various decks, which was a really nice addition (which also meant that in the creation of her Power Point, she ended up having to match loose cards to the decks that they came from!). Attendees were also presented with a handout including spreads that brought her topic home.

Carrie Paris talked about “The Magpie Oracle: Casting Shiny Objects or A Bright Future”. In this presentation, attendees learned about the rich history of collection oracles, and how they can be put to use. This is one oracle that I am going to have to work with!

Christine Payne-Towler talked about “Sophia Among the Alchemists”. This is one presentation that I fortunate to attend, and was very happy that I did! Christine’s focus was on the key concepts associated with Sophia’s appearance among the Renaissance and reformation Magi. Quite an in-depth presentation, and well worth attending!

Leeza Robertson & Amy Barilla talked about “Tarot and Tea”. The presentation was designed to build, grow, and expand an individual’s relationship with their deck. Focus was on enhancing knowledge of each card, while creating a spread to show the message that was needed for the situation right now. This is paired with a crystal or gemstone, and a power mantra.

Mark Ryan; talked about “The Wildwood Tarot”. Concepts discussed were those inherent in the Wildwood Tarot.

Major Tom Schick & Valentina Burton talked about “Using La Loteria cards as Oracle Cards”. I count myself blessed to have met Major Tom and Valentina, even though I was not able to attend their presentation. Major Tom created his own version of La Loteria cards, a Mexican bingo type game. Valentina wrote a book on using La Loteria for divination.

Pamela Steele talked about the “ABC’s of Tarot”. This was a broad spectrum presentation, addressing things like ethics, and how to phrase questions.

Gina Thies talked about “Keys XV to XXI – The 4 Natural Enemies on The Path”. This is one lecture that I was unable to attend. Hopefully at some point in time she will talk about this again. Her presentation centered on The Devil, and doing shadow work with the Tarot. Here we are confronting our demons/obstacles.

James Wanless talked about “Tarot Is Psychology” … and that it is not beyond the pale to read the Tarot without drawing the cards! (You learn this technique quickly when you are doing readings over the radio, and suddenly discover that you don’t have your cards!) He addresses the Tarot as a reflective mirror for self-knowing. The exercises included in this presentation (exercises that the attendees did) were both insightful and fun!

Carmen Waterman talked about “The Creators Journey”. Carmen is an awesome artist, and a compelling presenter! She shared her journey with her deck – what she did right, what could have been done better, and what was a learning experience. She has a sense of joy and humor – the time spent with her was magical!

Courtney Weber talked about “Tarot For One: The Art of the Self-Read”. Addressed are such things as ego, and the internal voice, and the attendee’s personal relationship with their deck. Work was also done on creating personal spreads that help with self-readings.

Katrina Wynne talked about “Sexual Symbolism In Tarot”. Katrina considers sexual energy and symbolism to be integral aspects of Tarot wisdom. The focus of this presentation was on learning immediate ways to relate to the message of each card, and their deeper, more personal meanings.

I want to thank all of the presenters for sharing their wisdom, and making NWTS a memorable experience!

Northwest Tarot Symposium Part 1

Northwest Tarot Symposium Part 3

© 2015 Bonnie Cehovet
Reproduction prohibited without written permission of the author.

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Posted by on March 14, 2015 in Tarot


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